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Earn Money While Helping People
Potty Train their child!
Thank you for your interest in selling The Potty Party Method which helps parents potty train their children while you earn a large 75% payout from every sale! It truly is a win-win situation.
Your payouts will be $20.25 for every sale you make. As The Potty Party Method continues to develop, sales conversions will continue to increase. We'll do all that we can to help you make more sales.
We are dedicated to the success of our product and truly believe it will help thousands potty train their child quicker & more efficiently.
If you currently market online with your own site, with newsletters, with articles or blogs, with PPC or media buys, you can easily make money promoting The Potty Party Method and In a market that is saturated with the same ol' same ol', this system provides a fresh take and complete alternative to those other products.
Designed by a certified AMI Montessori Director, Casey Sollock takes a passionate and understanding viewpoint towards potty training your children and developing them into confident young kids. It truly provides a great method for parents to use.
We sell The Potty Training Method through Clickbank. If you're not currently an affiliate just go to and sign up. They'll walk you through the quick and easy process to become an affiliate.
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We will be continuously be adding marketing material to support your business as we grow ours. We will try to make you aware of new material but we suggest that you visit often to see what's new.
Please click on the "Resources" tab and download the book covers. You have full permission to use the covers wherever you'd like. More images to follow.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us personally.
To Your Potty Trained Children,
Casey & Ryan